Share skills and knowledge that can help others during potential disasters.
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Women walk on the beach in fellowship and prayer.
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Monthly fellowship and resources for married couples.
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Single dads aim to spiritually support, equip, and assist each other.
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Foster The Family
Support, training, and guided discussion for foster and adoptive moms.
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Mike & Linda Herber
Location: Arroyo Grande
This group meets every Thursday from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Led by Mike Herber, we are currently going through the book of Ezekiel.
Bob & Diane Barstow
Location: Oceano
Our group meets on the first Friday of the month at 7pm. Bring your Bible and notes from the previous Sunday's study in Ephesians. We'll be discussing what we learned and how we can apply George's teaching.
Of course, there will be prayer time and dessert!
Steve & Teresa Montes
Location: Oceano
Currently Full
Our group meets once a month at our home, on the third Friday of each month. We discuss the topic of the end times, using some of the teachings of Israeli Christian Amir Tsarfati.
We hope to provide a space for fellowship and support within our body here at Calvary. We intend to not only study scripture and end times, but to also grow as believers amongst one another.
Paul & Pam Richerson
Location: Arroyo Grande
This group meets once a month on the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm. Our focus will be to go over Pastor George’s Bible Study from the previous Sunday.
Jose & Leti Gamino
Location: Guadalupe
Family Friendly. Bring the kids!
This group meets on the last Friday of every month at 6:30pm at Jose & Leti Gamino's house.
The group will be taught by Eddie Yubeta teaching through the book of 1 Thessalonians.
Ernie & Pam Rozo
Location: Shell Beach
This group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm. Each meeting, we will recap the Sunday morning study and focus on how current events relate to the Bible.
Mike & Meghan Betts
Location: Nipomo
Family Friendly. Bring the kids!
This small group meets on the first Thursday of each month at 6pm for potluck dinner and a recap discussion of the previous Sunday's message. Families are welcome, and childcare will be provided.
Led by Pastor David Angel