COVID-19 Update From Pastor George - 3/18/2020


Dear CCAG Family,

We wanted to send you another update on what is happening at your church. How we do church will be changing for the foreseeable future due to the spread of COVID-19. We will not meet on our campus on Sunday Mornings or Wednesday Nights for now but will gather online. Please check our website for updates on events that are changing or being cancelled during this time. Our church office will be open during the week until further notice.

In this time of uncertainty and change let us continue to be the church, and look for ways to serve our community and neighbors. Some ways you can do that:


Let us pray for wisdom, courage, boldness, safety, and faith. The most important and useful thing that we can do is be a church that prays. Countless times in the Bible we are encouraged to pray during times of trials and tribulation.


Consider how you might help others from our church and community get through this difficult and sensitive time. Contact our church office to see how you might be a part of our church body and serve those in need. Let’s be creative in how we serve and reach out to others. How can we serve this community?

● Going to the grocery store for those who are unable
● Picking up prescriptions for neighbors
● Making regular phone calls to check in on friends and people in the church
● Be a witness to those you come in contact with


We are asking those committed and a part of CCAG to help us continue in what God is doing through this church. Without meeting in person each week, this will look different for everyone and will open up new opportunities for all of us. In the midst of uncertainty, we hope that you are encouraged to serve God in new and exciting ways.

You can still give online at, or mail giving to 1133 Maple St. Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420. If you are unsure or need help setting up online giving, please give us a call or email and we will gladly walk you through this process.

We know that God is in control! We appreciate you being patient and understanding as we navigate this unprecedented time. If you have any questions, concerns, or prayer requests please email

May God continue to bless you during this time. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we can not wait to see you again on the CCAG campus!

Pastor George Nevarez and the CCAG Elders