Love God
Love People
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Will you take a few minutes to read this page, so I can explain what the Bible teaches about God's love?The Bible tells us that "God is love." This is His character and nature. Because He is love, He desires to reach out and communicate this love and establish a personal relationship with you.
Be assured that His love for you is more than just words in some book that say "I love you." He has proven His love for you by demonstrating it before the eyes of all men.
God sent His Son to earth two thousand years ago to show mankind, once and for all, that He does really love them. He sent Jesus to share the message of the Father's desire to love, forgive, and restore all men to Himself. But there is a problem. All men are separated from God because of their sin, but Jesus came to fix this and make a way back for any who would respond to Him. By His death on the cross. For you see, death is the penalty for sin. But because God loves you, He let His Son take the penalty for your sin. The death of Jesus on the cross was God saying to you, " I love you. I want you. I don't want to condemn you, but to forgive you!"